Easy to setup

Firstly, connect to your TradingView account

You need to connect to the TradingView account you gave us on your last purchase.

To do, go on https://tradingview.com website and connect you by clicking on "Sign in".

If you don't have a TradingView account, please create one by clicking on "Join for free" before buying our products.

Now, select a chart on which you want to work on

For this, type in the search box the asset you want to work on.

How to enable the Capitaliz.io indicator ?

Click on "Indicators" on the top of the screen (header bar) 

A popup is shown, click on "Scripts invitation" and type on the search box "Capitaliz.io"


Then, click one time on the "Capitaliz.io average indicator" or "Capitaliz.io - Omega" depending on the package you've subscribed.